Week 9- Second semester,Excel continued

March 7, 2011




What we are learning: Adding and Removing Rows and Columns in Microsoft Excel.

Navigate to Excel: Start-All Programs-Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel.

Vocabulary: Rows and Columns… Rows are left to right , like the rows of seats in a movie theatre. Columns are up and down, like columns on a building.

Challenge: Pretend you are planning your birthday party and you are making a list of names and addresses of each person you plan to invite. Create the following columns: Last name, First name, Address, City, State, Zip code. After completing that list, add a column for the phone number before the address. Then, hide the column with the phone numbers.

Verse of the week: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Week 6- Typing Lessons

February 11, 2011




What we are learning: How to master proper finger to key usage while continuing to build your speed.

Program we are using: Mavis Beacon

Word of the week: Proficiency

Challenge:  Students continue to identify and use home row, top and bottom row keys, while advancing at their own pace.  Students will type assignment sent from their home room teacher.  After completing assignment students will do four Mavis Beacon lessons, allowing them to continue to try to complete the beginner level and advance to intermediate level.

Verse of the week:  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

Week 5- Typing Lessons

February 3, 2011


What we are learning: Proper technique while typing which will allow you to build your speed over time.

Program we are using: Mavis Beacon

Word of the week : Technique

Challenge: What is the proper technique used when typing? Technique involves the methods used to optimize your speed. While adding new keys at own pace students are reminded of the correct body posture, hand/arm position to be used while striking keys.  Students take five typing lessons while focusing on technique.

Verse of the week:  I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Week 4 – Typing Continued

January 31, 2011

What We are Learning: Strategies for increasing speed while learning to type

Program We are using: Mavis Beacon

Word of the Week: strike

Challenge: What is the difference between “striking” a key and “pressing” a key? When you strike a key, you use force and quickness. Students demonstrate and feel the difference between slowing pressing a key and quickly striking it. They take a lesson where they slowly press keys and then another when they throw their fingers forcefully at the keys. They compare the results. Students take four typing lessons where they focus on striking a key purposefully.

Verse of the Day: Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men. Colossians 3:23

Week 3 – Typing Drills

January 28, 2011

What We are Learning: How to increase speed and accuracy while typing with the correct fingers.

Program We are Using: Mavis Beacon

Challenge: Students work on using the home row, along with e, i, g, and h. Each student is allowed to work at his or her own pace. They complete typing drills and play typing games to improve each week.

Week 2 – Home Row Keys

January 24, 2011

What We are Learning: Students learn the correct way to sit at the computer when typing, and how to place their fingers on the home row keys.

Program We are Using: Mavis Beacon

Vocabulary Word of the Week: QWERTY Keyboard

Challenge: Start with the first 5 – 6 drills in Mavis Beacon and work to type a, s, d, f, j, k, l, ; without looking at the keys. Students are starting the process of typing by feeling rather than typing by seeing. They complete lessons, drills, and typing games to learn those eight letters along with the spacebar this week.

Week 1 – Second Semester – Typing Pre-Test

January 5, 2011

What We are Learning: Introduction to Typing

How to Navigate to Word: Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Word

Vocabulary Words of the Week: Shift and CAPS Lock

Challenge: Students will be taking aPre-Test to check their current typing speed and accuracy. They are typing a paragraph about the new year and keeping the paragraph for future reference. Students will be able to compare their typing skills today to their skills after learning the correct way to type. Students also discuss common keys to confuse such as CAPS Lock and Shift, Backspace and Delete, Comma and Period, Semicolon and Colon.

Week 18 – Invitation Cards in Publisher

December 14, 2010

What We are Learning: How to create an invitation to a party using a template students download from Office.com

Words of the Week: Upload vs. Download

How to Navigate to Publisher: Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Publisher

Challenge: Pretend you are having a Christmas Party (maybe you really are). You would like to send an invitation to the students in your class. Use Microsoft Publisher to create the invitation. If you would like to use a template from Office.com, click on the Office.com Icon and review all templates. Click “download” if you find one you like. Remember to include important information like Date, Time, Location, and Contact Person.

Week 17 – STAR Testing

December 6, 2010

This week in Computer Class, we are working with Mrs. Cardin, the Media Specialist, to take AR Tests. Students log into their Accelerated Reader Account and select, “Take a Test.” The test results are given to classroom teachers so they can see how each student is progressing.

When finished, students may create ONE card in Publisher to print. They can choose from:

– Christmas Cards

– Birthday Cards

– Business Cards

– Thank You Cards

Week 15: Introduction to Microsoft Publisher

November 15, 2010

What We are Learning: How to create a flyer in Microsoft Publisher

Navigating to Publisher: Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Publisher

Word of the Week: Template

Challenge: Select “Flyers” and create a Thanksgiving Themed Flyer using a current Microsoft Publisher. Insert a picture and add Thanksgiving Words and phrases like:

– Thanking God
– Family
– Pilgrims
– Turkey
– Dressing
– Indians
– Pumpkin Pie
– Grandparents
– Remembering our Blessings