Week 8 – Set up a Slide Show and Run it

February 27, 2010

What We are Learning: How to properly use transitions and effects in a PowerPoint Presentation

How to Find PowerPoint: Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft PowerPoint

Challenge: Create a PowerPoint for a report or project you are doing in school. After all the slides have been created, all the text added, all the pictures inserted, view the slide show as it is. Decide where it would be best to add transitions and effects in order to support your points. Add sound, if necessary. Add custom animation for at least on slide.

Week 7 – Manipulating Bullets in a List

February 27, 2010

What We are Learning: How to manipulate bullets in a list in Microsoft PowerPoint.

How to Navigate to PowerPoint: Start – All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft PowerPoint

Challenge: Create a slide with a double-bulleted list. To do this. Click the New Slide Button and choose the layout with side-by-side lists. Then, give the slide the title, “My Favorites”. Type 3-4 categories of Favorites, such as Food, Restaurants, Subjects, Sports, Teams, Colleges, Bible Verses, TV Shows, etc… Under each category, list 3-4 favorites. Remember to use TAB and Shift TAB to control the bullet level.

Week 6 – Inserting Shapes into PowerPoint

February 8, 2010

What We are Learning: How to insert, manipulate, and resize shapes in PowerPoint

How to Navigate to PowerPoint: Start-All Programs-Microsoft Office – Microsoft PowerPoint

Challenge: Create a new PowerPoint Presentation and change the background design. Insert a new blank slide or a slide with the title only. Use the shapes menu to draw a house. Make each shape a different color and use effects such as “Glow” (maybe for the sun), or “3-D” (for the mailbox), or Bevel (for the roof).

Week 5 – Introduction to PowerPoint

February 2, 2010

What We are Learning: How to change the design, background colors, and global fonts in PowerPoint

Navigate to PowerPoint: Start- All Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft PowerPoint

Challenge: Create a presentation about yourself. Open PowerPoint and type your name as the title and the date as the subtitle. Change the design and background colors. If you can, download additional backgrounds from Microsoft Online. Create five slides about your family, hobbies, teacher, and one of your choice. Insert clipart on each page, if you remember how to do that from Microsoft Word and Excel.